Friday 12 October 2018

OctPoWriMo 2018! Day 12: tortured

Calystegia sepium

Tortured by myself

for years,
I tried to wring

Hard to remove.

Torments had twisted

around me like vines,
or bindweed
without the flowers.

I barely felt you snip away

at the tightness of the
light green twine.

The warmth of sunlit relief

came in floods,
basking me in love.

Now we flower together,

uniting our heart-shaped leaves
as we spiral up 
into the newest of shoots,
our joint rhizomes rooting us
to our new-found freedom,
viable for many years.


Jessica Kay said...

Turning pain into positivity through a new relationship. Lovely.
Going through the pain opens a wound, yes, but perhaps it also opens up a new place inside us to let new love in? I love the nature symbolism.

Angela van Son said...

Tangled up in self criticism... Well voiced! The imagery really works.

BiancaP said...

Thanks, both!

Shuku said...

The botanical imagery really works well as Angela says! And it's the perfect metaphor too. Wonderfully done!

paeansunplugged said...

This is beautifully done.

BiancaP said...

Thank you!